Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bring On The Rain

He said, "Your voice is the soundtrack of my summer. Do you know you're unlike any other? You'll always be my thunder. Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors. I don't wanna ever love another."

I tried to read between the lines, I tried to look in your eyes. I want a simple explanation for what I'm feeling inside. Let me feel you in my veins. Baby, bring on the pain and listen to the thunder. ='(

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Soft side

There are some days when I believe I am weathered enough and invulnerable of any heartbreak. Today is just a mistake. One good friend asked me why do I work so early and so late? I need to work hard to forget everything that hurts me every single day. I need something to steal my heart away from the sudden rush of sadness that haunts me every now and then. Smile when the lights go up and the camera keeps on rolling. At the end of the day, I go to sleep feeling every inch of pain he has caused me.

It's been a week since I found out and it has all been happening behind me since the start of the year. It is very funny that I didn't have any strength left to tell it to your face that I know it. Sadly and again, I wasn't the only one. I wasn't the only one. I can't feel any anger like I used to. Your love slowly turned me into a cold stone without a heart. Things will never be the same again.

I need to get out. I want to see the world. I want to find my happiness.

This is the end of the line.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Becoming Busy Again

"Here is how I look when I am worrying about a lot of things in one day."
Enjoy my insane art! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Expendables

"I turned my back & kept walking. If I had saved her, I could've saved what was left of my soul."   -The Expendables.

I watched it last night with someone very special to me. Such a great movie that I have to draw my own version of it.

"Hope you all like it."
Enjoy my insane art! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wake Up!

I feel a little extra tired today. You know that feeling when you lie down on your bed, close your eyes and then everything that went through the days start to seep in. That. Exactly.

The infinite days has just started and I am getting used to it. I left some things that I haven't dealt with. Not that I don't have the courage to face them but for now I don't see any importance in getting myself back to where I used to walk in circles. I don't wanna know anything that could hurt me more. For now, I'm starting to appreciate life again and I'm starting to appreciate myself again. It's like a new day is dawning. I'm leaving all the hurts and emptiness behind. There's no point in blaming anyone even myself. I guess we all have just to learn the hard way for a wake-up call that says "hey. enough. stand up." And there are also some things that we oughta learn yet.

One step at a time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Thunder

I still think of you every now and then. We may be together at the end of this journey or we could be not. Either way I know that He has the best plan in store for the both of us. I'm slowly getting back on my feet with His help. Life is full of hopes and faithful promises.

I'm just thankful that I'm still alive today.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is my version of a super eclipse

"Why do you always follow me wherever I go?"
Enjoy my insane art! :)

Thursday, January 07, 2010

I am.

blair n. - the state of being strong, creative, and beautiful;

God bless 2010! :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Christmas!

I thought I was going to get all emotional and sentimental but---no. Congratulate me! =D Looking back, I'm thankful for all the lessons life has been teaching me. Hopeful for the best future in Him. It wasn't a sad Christmas after all. There are a lot to be thankful for, blessings to be counted and people to share it with. Happy holidays everyone! :)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Blemish-free drawing

I sat down today with my charcs and a big, big clean sheet of drawing paper.

After an hour, the paper was still clean. *sigh*

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All maybe's, all why's..

Note: I am avoiding to speak on FB or FS for the reason that I don’t want literally everyone to know anything. I chose only a few people to know my URL and it’s not like the world knows that superkeiii.blogspot exists. So I think I am confident to speak my mind to few readers only.

My mind is on a constant battle with my heart. There’s still that cloud hanging above my head. I know I can never make anyone change. I never had the power to do that to anyone aside from myself. Wanting to change is a decision but changing is a choice. The whole thing is like walking on thin ice and I’m sure I did my part well—to start again and be a better person than before. But at the end of the day, I took home a wrecked heart. I can never please anyone no matter how sincerely hard I try and no matter how many different ways I tried to tell you "I'm sorry, I love you", it will always be senseless. And no matter what I do, other people will always be more favoured than me.

But I learned something, a friend will never say something that will put your life on the pits. Instead, a friend will pray for you and tell you something God wants you to know—whether you're wrong or right.

Life goes on. Tomorrow will still be tomorrow. We can’t live dwelling on the past. Nevertheless, I won't say or do anything that I will regret after the rain clouds disappear.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

I Miss You's

You and I. We both know I'm talking to you. Find yourself. :)

* We used to drive down a million miles in the middle of the night. Just me, you and our stories. I used to watch fast cars as they zoom past us--tears morph them into blurry watercolors. And then you'll hug me. The martian connection.

*We used to lay down on the grass to watch the stars above us. Feel the cool breeze after a tapsilog dinner. And play with shadows and funny faces.

*We used to laugh and hang around reading between the lines and nudge one another for a coffee chill. And then our different stories pour.

*We used to walk down in a hundred miles looking for a place to sit down for a good talk. We walk in circles until we find ourselves back on our front doors with a lighter heart. It was the walk.

I miss you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!

On my birthday night, I was so tired from the day's work. I decided to take a walk down the streets while listening to a good music to ease out the stress of the day. When I passed by a restaurant, the manager handed me one pink rose and asked me to dine at their restaurant. Unknowingly I entered the restaurant and every stranger handed me one pink rose. I was so clueless. And then I saw my close friends and they gave me pink roses as well. I was really surprised by their surprise party for me. We dined and later chilled at Starbucks to end the day. Thank you guys! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Some people..

will hug you
will rejoice with you
will make you feel loved

..and will blatantly stab you with words behind your back.

They won't talk to you directly, but they will--indirectly in front of many eyes.

Some things are just too hard to change.

How juvenile.
How sad..

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lost Bear

_____ bear lost bear! hahaha peace man!

hahaha im not lost bear anymore. someone found me Ü

nakanaman!!! yun yon eh! hahaha!

(go visit livejournal haha..*kilig* haha)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I didn't intend to put much sentiment on this entry but I want to say this as I enter another level of life.

For opening the door when I knocked. For letting me in & for the eagerness to listen.
For every heartfelt story shared. For every emotion acknowledged and validated.
For crying with me and laughing with me. For the good times celebrated.
For being the friend I was blessed to have. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The paper-thin walls are crumbling.
Fissures run like scars across the surface.
Water leaks through like tears down the scaffolding.
It wells up. It swells up.
The terrible tide of an unmistakable furore rages through the walls, pushing through, roaring, crying, wailing.
Cut. Razor sharp.
It cuts through the skyline like knife against raw skin.
There is this terrifying urge to scratch and claw at the beautiful clouds. Those clouds that are sailing peacefully, obliviously across the azure expanse.
And now they are scudding.
Torn apart. Sliced up. Bleeding white. Bleeding gossamer of angel hair.
To self-mutilate. To deconstruct moments of perfection.
Have I lost your heart to the icy hollow void?
I was never yours at any point in our history.
We lost time.
Slipping sand of emotions. A landslide that might kill everything.
Everything we used to have. Everything.
Words left unsaid. A well-written bitterness.
Silence your secret screams. I will keep my silence until you break yours.
Shine. I will shine through your darkness.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ladies Night Out

"Guilly's Island"
Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends :)

Saturday, October 06, 2007


I'm sorry.

Watching you go breaks my heart and remembering how we lost our grip breaks my broken heart. I probably made the wrong decision. But if it was meant to be, it'll come together again.

Different place, different time.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Busy Sign

My blog is currently on its lull period. I'll be updating as soon as I can :]

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Thunder claps. I stared out the window through the curtain of rain drops at the pale gray sky. The world always looks so peaceful when it rains. Yet I am far from being remotely close to peaceful. I liked to believe that I was weathered enough to face all sorts of emotional curve balls thrown until one recently came from nowhere, at a force I was a little unprepared to handle. And now I feel lost and not-by-choice very alone.

Love :)

I glanced up and saw the moon, and it quite literally, took my breath away.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Do-it-yourself, home-based & absolutely free yoga

Early this morning, all of a sudden, I felt the urge to just sit on my bed facing the sunshine, be content for a moment, not think about the cases and exams, and enjoy the bright sunlight coming through my window with a smile. I am not an early-morning person, and I definitely do not wake up by myself when it's light or when it's noisy (I can sleep through anything hehe). But for that moment, I realized: "This is why people love waking up early, to see the sun smiling at you."

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Forgiving You, Forgiving Me

Everyone was once as vulnerable. I was reminded of that feeling. Of a juvenile memory, slowly waking up and reliving that deep cut of hatred and distress. The pain piercing the core of your essence and heaves you into a bottomless abyss of depletion. You could've avenged yourself but no, apart from being powerless, you know it will never do any good.

Nothing has changed. Or perhaps something has changed, but not much. What you see and what I see, differently of a seemingly exact same thing. Everything's different and yet the same.

I want to forgive as much as I want the wounds to heal.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Why do we always play hide-and-seek? We speak loud and fast on things that we won't remember tomorrow, and whisper only to ourselves what our hearts need to say the most. We listen to the words. Why can't we hear what comes underneath.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Detonated Bomb

In the confusion and the aftermath you are my signal fire.

This morning I woke up with this feeling of somewhat peaceful and simple and sober. I’m seeing the higher road. A little push. A little intervention. A little attention to stop temptation to cry. It was a good day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Drowned in my well-hidden thoughts

I didn't think I would feel so tired until this morning. This morning I felt its urgency like an incisive cut through my skin. I'm feeling rather emotional these days. I wanna paint desperately but first of all I wish I can paint. So for now, I want to draw something intrinsic and extraordinary. Something that is true and pure. A work that tells everything and nothing at the same time. I need substantial time. To maneuver a paint brush. To illustrate a noble artwork and to put my soul in it.

Monday, June 11, 2007


(sketch removed)

Sinking. How does it feel to sink, relenting to the pull of the tide, the waves..

Trapped in a rectangular space. Filled up to the head with water. Water that is tasteless, water that bubbles at the point of your nostrils.

Wave. Waving at me. Change. The colors are changing.

Blue. Cobalt. Refracting lights. Pale lips. Wide-open eyes, glassy. I can't get hold of the lights.

I am swallowing water. I am taking in deep breaths. I want to fill my lungs with water, so that I don't have to breathe anymore.

And the endless ocean. At world's end. No such thing. I wished I never knew. I wished I never came. For it is endless, ceaseless, forever out of reach.

And Myself. I watch as the me I saw underwater float lifelessly, with wide-open eyes, glassy and hopeless.

It is better that way. To ignore and drift, watching Myself than to watch Her turn into something else entirely alien.

Friday, June 08, 2007

I am so afraid

I can't concentrate. I am looking at the bright side, the silver lining, but I am still so afraid.

I am so afraid that I will not make it. Yes, shamefully, I do concede, it has something to do with everyone else. But most of all, it has everything to do with my future, which is drawing nearer and nearer, time ticking away ruthlessly, with its girdle tightening around me every day. I still jerk awake in the middle of the night sometimes, to a sudden fear that seized me by the arm. I need to remember that I will do what I have set out to do, and only hope and pray hard that it will lift me off and send me to the right direction.

If only I knew what to do. I want to think positively. I do. I just am so afraid.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


How frequent do we ever get to sit and talk? We are perpetually running errands, doing something--busy busy busy, ignore ignore ignore, go go go, run run run--we never can grasp that little sliver of time just to sit down, face-to-face and talk.

Maybe that is why we sometimes find it awkward to be sitting right before a person, in flesh and blood, talking. Our whole lives are run by technology, so much so that we start blaming lack of communication on it.

Miscommunication. Words left unsaid. Reeling for a long time. Sitting in the darkness, perhaps we will get to understand each other so much better. Who knows.

There's much to heal in this world. For every wound that refuses to heal. For every angel that falls from the sky. For every hurt that hides beneath fragile wings. There's much to heal.

And so we turn to those we love and wonder, how can I make her see? That the key to her own happiness is within. We ask, how can I help her get through the pain? How can I mend the heart that shattered into a thousand little pieces? How can I make her see life is worth living again?

I sit with myself and the words echo in my mind. I cannot heal in others what is wounded in me.

I sit with myself and find faith. Faith that can see. It is the candle that glows in the dark. It is faith that tells me there is no need to suffer in spite of the pain, no need to lose myself when sorrow comes my way. That which tells me to be brave so I can inspire others to do the same. I am no longer blinded. I sit with myself and know. That in spite of all the hurt and sadness that creep their way in, life remains beautiful. Because I let it.

It has started to rain. No more rumbling. Just soft tears, pelting against my window.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Martian Connection

Please stop. Everytime you do, my heart leaps out of me and wraps around that hope. And everytime I realize it isn't really for me, I fall. Real hard.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I know.
Please don't.

Got it?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm a blur.

(sketch removed)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Dear you,

It's one of those days when I probe my judgment on you for going way over the edge, mocking me and stripping my scanty self-esteem. It's beyond control. I sigh as I look at our sunny days. I think they're much more worthy than my annoyance. Forgiveness always seems to find its place no matter how gloriously I'm hating you.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


(sketch removed)

Thursday, April 19, 2007


quick as the wind. silent as your gaze.
the walls have eyes. the words have ears.
be afraid. be very afraid.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

To the left, to the left..

We were parked at the U.P. Oval under the swathe of stars. The moon was amusingly low that it looked like a big, perfectly rounded fireball of a nearby lamp post. The whiff of freshly cut grass accompanies the scene of seven youth leaders eating, laughing and savoring the moment. We were lying and connecting every constellation we could find; amazed at the celestial bodies flaunted above us. We were an incomplete family but it was a beautiful night.

Chimee + Dodong + Selecta + SuperKei + YMA + Marco + Crushie *camera flashes* equals...

Sa UP Oval yan. Kain. Kwento. Stargaze. Tawanan. Cam-whoring. At ginawang tripod yung hollow block haha beggarish ang level naten. Courtesy of Chimee ang pics :)

It was around 9pm when we decided to chill the night at Starbucks (where else? diba).

Ganito ang gusto kong ET, after ng tawanan at kasayahan...may moment. –Mark.

So true. It was a cozy night with a sensible discussion. A serious discussion which led to a string of hilarious predictions of the future church leaders/staff:

(paunawa) katuwaan lang po ang mga yan at walang personal na bahid sa mga jokes--you know us :)
  • Matt - future Senior Pastor
  • Kimpee - future Chairman of the Board
  • Elai - future ate Terry
  • R.A. - future lola Roming
  • Kei - future Dra. Lynn
  • Mark - future Youth Pastor (go Febias! Wag na kasing mamundok)
  • Ate Mimi - future Cherryll Forster (oh how ironic is the size!)
  • Eunice - future YMA
  • Justin - future Missions Pastor (Pastor Jorge)
  • Shams - future tita Bolen--Missions Mobilizer (hmm..asawa ni Justin?)
  • Ate Ai - Golden Ladies Core Member
  • Ate Jean - nasa GCF na
  • Kim - nasa Deaf Ministry na
  • Osep - future Pastor Rey Mac (Worship Department)
  • Josh - future Osep
  • Mikel - future Kuya Nelson (with the guitar and electricity)
  • Micah - future Kuya Rey San
  • Merill - future tito Jun Directo
  • Ate May - future Tita Emma
  • Anding - future Ate Carol (busy-busyhan)
  • Patrick - future Kuya Joel (lagi kasing Physical Arrangement)
  • TJ - future Kuya Jeff (cyempre partner ni Patrick)
  • Pito - future Doc Marven
  • Osan - future tita Irene (Social Concern)
  • Joy - future Teacher Ace (SCE)
  • Joanna - future……? (uhm..bat nga pala wala kay Joanna?)
byutifool! isa pa! byuuuuutifool! UGH! :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I do but I can't coz I'm not and you are.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pandora's Box

The discernments you've been pondering for the longest time are now validated. The fragile things that you know, the secrets you've been keeping and what you've been praying for are now unfolding right before your eyes. It's like seeing the broken parts of an extremely sturdy lion and not being able to tell anyone, not even the lion himself that you know something's not right.

I speak to you not as someone privileged and cursed. I speak not even as a youth leader. I speak to you as a fellow Christian. We are in one boat, we are in one faith and I believe that we are in one God. Let us not speak for self-righteousness nor partiality. Rather, let us speak in pure love and beseech His grace that all of us may see love even in the most heartbreaking situation. I ask you to pray with me. I ask you to be stronger and to hold on to what we are really here for.

Friday, March 16, 2007


The Spartans said, "No retreat, no surrender!!! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!"

And so CMT says, "No retreat, we surrender!!! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!"

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mga Katuruan ng mga Pangyayari (ano?!)

Lesson: Huwag uupo sa pagitan ng dalawang bakanteng silya kung ayaw mong magkagulo lalo ang life. Men, nakagitna ka e!

Lesson: Kung hate ka ng prof mo, bigyan mo siya ng cake at tatawagin ka nyang darling. Presto! chums na kayo! Peace offering kuno kahit wala ka namang ginagawa. Yun nga siguro, wala kang ginawa para sa kanya. Tip: Chocolate Marjolaine at kwentuhan.

Lesson: Ang sagot na maraming dot dot dot (...... or kahit .. lang) ay nangangahulugan pala ng kadramahan para sa ilang tao.

In other news...
Si Gagay ang prinsesa ng brownout. Nabasa ko yung "Lights Out" ni ate Anne sa Multiply? Try nyo basahin minsan at sabay nating i-meet ang mahiwagang lamp post. Aliw! Cyempre isasama naten si ate Anne para makaexperience din tayo.

Taimtim akong nakikinig sa 2nd pew (kahit hindi na nga pew) sa likod ni tita Rica nung vesper. Aba maaga yata akong dumating. The vesperians dissipate twice faster than the morning people. I miss the morning people pero I like less people pag nagsservice ako.

The privilege of suffering empowers us to stand in unity. The disciples are willing to suffer for the sake of preserving unity. A dividing spirit is the enemy of the cross. Whew bigat.

Malapit na ang summer! woohoo! let's go tita Bolen haha! (sorry boys!)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

No more black and whites

(sketch removed)

It was all beautiful and happy and it spelled c-h-a-n-g-e with Chucks and colors and last taste for freedom.

i'll be doing my best
i'll see you soon
in a telescope lens.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bigger things are hurling down my way

..well at least it doesn't kill plus i'm with Somebody kaya bring it on pare! ;)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Finally! Apocalypto on LCD! Astig diba?
Finally! one on one with the rabbi himself!
Finally! milkshake with tatay, ate Juana, ate Mirasol, Marco, Mateo and Kimpoy.

bawal ang pork.. bawal ang beans..

Rebecca, uwi ka na :)

Friday, March 02, 2007


the world's getting smaller by the minute hence the invitation-reading.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One day

last night, aunt jean asked me if i wanted to join the JASMS team for their recollection. that'd be from 10 am - 5 pm with a group dinner at 7. Since i don't wanna do any clinic work and my lecture starts at 5pm, i said yes.

4:27 am
enjoying an insanely beautiful and weird dream about fast cars and pink chocolates.

6:48 am
woke up and felt like going to school. been wanting to text somebody to inform my cancellation but i couldn't resist my warm blanket and soft pillows. flew back to dreamland.

8:05 am
woke up again and felt like going to school. thought for about a minute whether or not to cancel my JASMS appointment. texted joy to inform ate jean that i'm backing out. the blanket and pillows doesn't wanna let go of me.

8:50 am
awakened by a series of text messages and endless calls.

9:20 am
fully decided to do some clinic work instead. this thing only comes in a blue moon so better do something productive about it. got up while happily singing I Call It Love in the shower. haha seriously!

11:25 am
arrived at school and headed straight to the lockers. picked up the hand instruments and left my things at the the other locker. signed-in at the sterilizing area and check out people at the patient's area. found a good patient. did a mouth examination, x-ray, BP, medical history, diagnosed, dental history, diagnosed again, had my papers approved at the OD section, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

12:45 am
realized i forgot lunch and decided not have one since it is already 1 o'clock. signed out at the sterilizing area. set up. prep the patient. started on the outline form. already at the DEJ.

1:22 pm
finishing the walls. assembled the matrix system. double wedged (sigurista ako e hehe). cavity varnished and started luting. worked on the amalgamator and condensed. anatomically carved and polished. had the case graded by the c.i. thanked and dismissed my patient. cleared. cleaned. pack up. went back to the sterilizing section. then patient's area.

2:20 pm
did the 11:45 routine.

3:14 pm
set up (good thing i have sterilized 2 sets of hand instruments). prep the patient. and secretly loaded the cartridge and noticed that the patient's getting cold, silent and BP is shooting up.

3:20 pm
prep the patient again, made him tell about his favorite music, handed my super mp3 player to the patient and played Moonlight Sonata. patient started to relax and BP stabilized. was able to do a mandi block on a stabilized patient.

3:26 pm
anesthesia is completely activated. retract. elevate. extracted tri-rooted 36. clean cut, suture, graded by c.i, cleared, dismissed a happy patient and happy clinician started cleaning forceps.

3:45 pm
clinic door banged open and everybody stopped. bomb exploded. managed to smile though everybody's looking. more bombs exploded and was thinking whether or not i am back at dreamland. but no. more shouting. more embarrassment. said "ask him".

3:58 pm
officially over. was still smiling, thinking if i'm gonna laugh out loud or just cry. everybody's still looking. decently walked out of the clinic. headed straight to the lockers. left my things, sat at the reserve section of the library and pretended to read.

4:35 pm
still staring at the book. pretending to read.

5 pm
entered my med jurisprudence class. asked my professor if could go to the clinic because i'm not feeling well but professor decided to dismiss the class instead so i ran towards the exit leaving my entire bag at the locker.

5:50 pm
knocked. ate ai. licensed. salamat. maraming salamat. go jayson!

7:50 pm
said goodbye and headed to meet a friend for dinner.

8 pm
ate (at last!) my only meal for the day. went to Nike to look for shoes but it was closed. decided to go home. realized i'm penniless. decided to walk all the way home. the bag's still in the locker.

9:30 pm
home. it? good.
..didn't get it? better :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Beautiful Mess

New template.
I love it!
Don't you guys love it too? :)
Next time ko na lalagyan ng mga links.

Hanggang sa muli!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


love spells t-i-m-e.
understanding spells t-i-m-e.
discipleship spells t-i-m-e.
wounds spell t-i-m-e.
and friendship spells t-i-m-e.

but you spelled b-u-s-y.

bawat segundo ay tumatakbo.
tumatakbo rin ako kasabay nito.
malayo na ang natakbo ng oras.
malayo na rin kaya ako?

Thursday, February 22, 2007


- ninja

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Learning To Breathe

i'm learning to breathe
i'm learning to crawl
i'm finding that You and You alone can break my fall
i'm living again, awake and alive

from Switchfoot. Enjoy it --> here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." - W. Durant
This is definitely a must-watch film for gut-lovers (calling all med students!) and those who are into ancient civilizations, particularly the Mayan civilization. Amazing culture I say, so amazing you don't wanna be living among them hehe. It was set on an island before the time they speak of Yucatek (which by the way sounded like Mandarin because of the popping tones) kaya they have to use subtitles saka para realistic din diba. my overall rating would be a five-star. if taliwas ang opinyon mo, eh.. kanya kanyang trip lang yan. and needless to say, i really don't mind. no pun intended! :)

trivia: kuya do & ate jot were also watching the movie at the same time nung nanunood ako. si ate jot amazed sa *di ko sasabihin para hindi maspoil*

gusto palang panoorin to ni elai (akalain mo si elai!) kaso nauna nako kaya we'll be watching it anytime this week dito sa house. hindi ka-sine ang screen namen pero big screen naren. pwede rin marathon kasi marami pa kaming choices ng dvds hehe. anyone can join, just inform me and bring holy kettle! :) woohoo.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Akala ko hindi ko makikita ang ngiti mo sa araw na ito.
Salamat kanina
i hug you

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hearts for My Day

I feel very much loved. Happy birthday to me and God bless you all :)

Much love everyone! Much love!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007



Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Joining the bandwagon

May bangs nako! Thanks to my forever and ever and ever hairstylist Tonton Ong of Bench Fix :D pumapayat na ko ulet! yey! mag-Dent na din kayo haha.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Starbucks and Popcorn

I posted my supposed-to-be last entry for this year pero I want to share and make an entry for those 2 bruhas who just made my day :)

Sabi nga ni Elai, "If you can't come to Starbucks, Starbucks will come to you." They went here sa house and brought Starbucks and popcorn. At kahit anong tanggi ko, para silang manliligaw na makulit haha! I badly need people right now. At in fairness, nameet nila yung dalawang pangunahing love languages ko. Kahit di ko birthday, feeling ko special ako. Nakakatouch =')

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All I Want For Christmas Is

...a cake or a biiig pet panda.

what's yours? :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Halting the speculations

Kawen was away. Been physically (not emotionally) sick. Busy with school/requirements. Really needed to study for Prelims regardless of being sick. Saving money. Without pretense, I say this: I am okay-fine-well-really-good. Any matter people have to deal with me cannot change the fact that I am happy and I ain't worrying about them. I learn. I forgive. I carry on :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Isa pang Artist of the Month

si ate Imee Aivee.

...walang paninindigan.
...walang takot sa Diyos.
...sukdulan ang kasakiman.
...suwail, pasaway at walang paggalang.
...walang pangunawa.
...isang masamang tao (kung tao man siya)

ayan Artist of the Month ka na rin. ;P

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Artist of the Month

Kanina pa ko tumawag.
Kakauwi ko lang po may mga kelangan lang pong kausapin.
Anak, bakit parang andami mong _____ ngayon.
Mana po ako sayo e hehe.
Mukha nga pero natuto nako sa mga ganyan, di ko na pinapatulan. Kaya pa ba anak?
Natuto rin po ako sa inyo pero hindi ako ganon ka-strong like you.
Ocge sabihin mo saken anu-ano ba yan.
(at nagkwento na, lagot kayo ngayon! haha joke)
Anak be strong pa rin ha.
Opo ma. Aylabyu.
Love you too anak.

...I miss u mum. haffy vertdei :*)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hands Off

The least I can do is to behave and keep quiet.
Therefore, I will gaze at the stars :)

Friday, November 24, 2006


The old man standing outside the Appliances Center. Being contented with mall's free air-conditioning and amusing himself with the movie shown on the big TV screen, which you can barely hear because of the thick-glassed window separating privilege and poverty.

The security guard patrolling an overpass along EDSA. Risking his life for a living & keeping himself awake just to stay alive. The one whom I've given some coffee the time I passed the bridge at 10:30 in the evening. He just smiled.

A group of basureros having their lunch along the sidewalk, beside the stinking garbage truck. Eating only-God-can-tell-what-are-those-stuff with bare hands. They were covering their faces. They were eating silently.

The single-legged old manong whom I used to give sandwiches because he looked like my grandfather who passed away. His place has been empty since the last 3 days. I've no idea where he is. He's just gone.

The kid who's been frequently sleeping on the sidewalk with newspapers covering his skinny body. He almost looked dead.

The old woman sitting at the Patient's Area. Waiting all day, even during lunch breaks. Waiting for countless hours just to get a free medical service. Waiting for somebody to come up and talk to her. She doesn't really mind if we're just interns. She doesn't mind if we were unlicensed. She just wanted a better life that she couldn't afford.

I stared at my overpriced food and venti frappucino.
I couldn't even touch them.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Reading between the lines and the smiles

Photographs give me exploding senses and emotions. Time warping and cheery and poignant, all at the same time. Every portrait encapsulates a memory and every person in it holds a story to tell...all worth remembering.

Monday, November 20, 2006

New Direction

H2O - Christ is our Living Water. He is our nourishment. And He's all we need as we grow up.

Now, our COC's heading towards a new direction and a lifetime commitment:

Devoue - /de-voo-we/ French word for "committed"

A commitment to devote one's life to winning others to Christ, teaching and training them to follow Jesus as disciples.

"By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit (or winning others);
so will you be My disciples." John 15:8

ps. /de-voo-we/ You should pout when you say voo.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Long day, long post

- I was down with fever yesterday. Thank God I was able to go out today though I was quite low-batt pa.

- Good day. School. Lunch. Taught English. Mall. Talk. Plan. Love (for God) & Life Assessment. Laugh. Kewl. Really good day. Really :)

- I'm starting to consider curling my hair BUUUT one thing was keeping me off: Individuality. Haha, I wanna be quite different though the last time I saw Renel she got the same haircut and the straight hair. Hmmmnn, maybe I should go skinhead ala Portman to really stand out. Huhaha!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How can a goddess not fall?

Hyun Bin.
He's about 3 years older than me.
Fate, sweet fate!
I chocolate you too haha :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

A Sunny Rainshower

Today, God made me realize one thing: I am happy. Truth is, He has always been making me happy. But I was too busy wallowing over heartaches. There could be a drizzle or a storm waiting outside, but!!! today I learned that I got a lot more than rain showers. I got the One who is in control of it. Life is not about fighting the rain with your umbrella. Life is not about running for shelter to keep you warm and dry. And life is not about crying will you savor the rain. Life is about thanking Him and praising Him under any rain. Dancing and singing with a heart of praise. Life is not about tears or wounds. Life is not about fear or silence. Life is not about sadness or anger. Life is definitely not about people. And definitely it's not about you. Life is about how you live each moment with genuine happiness because each moment we live is for Him.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


You can never finish a book without closing its chapters...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hierarchy and Subordinates

I can never minds. Likewise, I can always ask. I asked a couple of times but you asked for silence so I kept quiet and never asked again. I guess that makes me valid to say, I wish I could read your mind. When I saw your tears I couldn't hug you, I couldn't even go near you...because I know you didn't want me or any of us to know. I can completely understand though it was such a painful feeling to just stand there and watch you break down. "D" doesn't go with friendship afterall. Sometimes I feel like a child who ain't supposed to know. Who ain't supposed to understand. Who ain't supposed to grow up.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

No Hugging Please

At some point we feel alone. These are the moments when we forget how good it feels to cry in front of someone who's just staring at you. We feel much stronger. We learn to clean up on our own. We learn to pray our heartaches to one worthy Being. We learn not to lean on someone who could never be there at all times, contrary to what most people tell us. We realize that there's only one Pillar whom we can rely on.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Uphill from here

I was looking for the stars in the sky but they were all gone. When I bowed down, He made the sea of stars fell down to be within reach.

There are a lot of things to be thankful for. Life is good because He's always been good. But oftentimes we choose not to acknowledge the blessings even in the simplest crisis. Last 3 days? Life-changing. Less mind-challenging. Uber happy.

"Follow Me." He said you can be like Him. He knows you perfectly. I know I'll be facing a lot from this point but never will I run away again. Never will I let boulders crash my soul again. He chose you. He called you.

Blog hop to Dreamworld. We're dead. Yes, we're supposed to die to ourselves and let God live in us. I will never dislike anyone however he condemns the church and our faith but God bless you.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chill Jill

Everybody's got a choice. And everybody's got a life. You chose a life for your own sake and left me no other choice but to go away. I'm gone. Tables turned. I've endured the life you gave me so now I'll leave you a choice: Go away. Consider the fact you can never put back something that wasn't really there. Consider too that I can read you and the truth is you're still lying to me and to everyone else's faces!!!Note. I am super angry while typing this. Super angry I'm gonna push several Jacks into that well.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Martian

I've never felt this tired and this happy. I was out on the road yesterday for some dental work. It's a part of my newly found ministry. Social work as my friend (Dustin) puts it. Does Allison do the social work stuff? Anyway, for surgery-loving creatures out there, I got something to say: Muliple tri-rooted exo and Odontectomy. *laughs manically*. I was the only student among the 10 dentists so they let me do all the hardest cases (ahem,ahem...independently *big grin*). I love my life so much. I got a pair of literally bloody hands. I now don't really care about the exhaustion and the back pain but I do care about the blood. Cool stuff. It suddenly made me want to live again. I am so happy,happy,happy. I shut up now. I'm so high. :)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Follow your heart, give a neuron

They said that memories are treasured in our hearts...I never believed that. Medicine said that the oldest cells in the human body are the neurons. Brain cells. They last a lifetime. We never really treasure memories in our hearts. Situations never make your heart swirl from all the confusion. The heart doesn't keep you up at night thinking and pondering. The heart isn't the one who mocks you and asks 'why?' People in the past never really broke your heart. It just so happen that you gave them a special neuron. A cell that lasts a lifetime. That's why we never forget.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Be Real: Fake, as I knew her

People often talk about themselves. But they prefer to hide their confusion and amplify on the good things. They navigate on this non-existence. They say, "I'm so strong" but when temptation knocks they easily and secretly gets lured. They say, "I'm real" but later confess for being the fraud that they truly are. They say, "I trust You, I rely on You" but when ripples emerge they immediately seek comfort from the wrong person...and from the wrong gender. They say their life is so good. Too good, almost perfect. But the truth is when you look at it, it's depressing. They fool other people. And they fool themselves.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

How To Save A Life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lugaw is blessing

Masarap ang lugaw.
Lalo na pag maanghang.
Nakakaiyak sa anghang.
May dahilan na para umiyak.
Walang magtataka kung bakit ka umiiyak.
Walang magtatanong.
Alam mong matapang ka rin
May angking dunong na taglay.
Malayo-layo pa ang dulo.
Matagal pa ang brown-out.
Mabagyo ang daan.
Alam mo na yon.
Share tayo sa payong ko.

Monday, September 25, 2006

A thousand oceans

(sketch removed)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday, August 28, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sunset Sunrise

(sketch removed)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Friday, August 18, 2006

Martians Got Sensors Too

A heartbreak isn't always as loud as an exploding bomb.
Sometimes it can be as quiet as a tear falling
and the most painful thing is nobody hears it...but you.

Sunday, August 13, 2006